            _ _ __ ___ __ _| |_ _____ _| |_   __| |_  _| |__ 
           | '_/ _` \ V  V /  _/ -_) \ /  _|_/ _| | || | '_ \
           |_| \__,_|\_/\_/ \__\___/_\_\\__(_)__|_|\_,_|_.__/
                               ~ The slow social network ~
                 _   ___  ___ ___ ___   ___ _            
                /_\ / __|/ __|_ _|_ _| | _ (_)________ _ 
               / _ \\__ \ (__ | | | |  |  _/ |_ /_ / _` |
              /_/ \_\___/\___|___|___| |_| |_/__/__\__,_|

 You may be aware that rawtext.club also delivers ASCII pizza.  Yes, it is
 as delicious as reviews say it is.  And it's free!

 You must be a member of rawtext.club or know a member to order your free

 If you placed an order a pizza and it wasn't delivered, it may be that the
 email account you sent from isn't fully configured with SPF, DKIM signing,
 or that it is on a RHSBL, etc.  Unfortunately our ASCII Pizza service has
 to be extra careful so that we don't send pizza to people who didn't
 request it and that means being picky about incoming requests.

 If your pizza arrived and didn't look delicious, it may be because you're
 using an email client that doesn't display fixed with fonts.  Try Mutt or
 Alpine.  ASCII Pizza is best when served on a traditional command line


  Return to main page.


The slow social network

Resist the dazzling spectacle of mainstream social and news media.


You may be aware that rawtext.club also delivers ASCII pizza. Yes, it is as delicious as reviews say it is. And it's free!

You must be a member of rawtext.club or know a member to order your free slice.

If you placed an order a pizza and it wasn't delivered, it may be that the email account you sent from isn't fully configured with SPF, DKIM signing, or that it is on a RHSBL, etc. Unfortunately our ASCII Pizza service has to be extra careful so that we don't send pizza to people who didn't request it and that means being picky about incoming requests.

If your pizza arrived and didn't look delicious, it may be because you're using an email client that doesn't display fixed with fonts. Try Mutt or Alpine. ASCII Pizza is best when served on a traditional command line plate.