Too many things

We gather too many things. I say we as human beings, you understand. I mean me when I say we but I mean we as well as here's why I was reminded of it. I was helping getting rid of things somebody left with us on this world. Things precious to this person, things of value not because they could be sold for good money, no. Only because they costed this person a lot of work, a lot of effort and care. Even looking at them, seeing that somebody's heart in them almost made me cry again as if I was losing this somebody again and again with every little object being thrown away.

Things of no value that were made into the little anchors, useless anchors for the mind or soul or whatever you want to call it. Useless tragically as the ship does not exist anymore but all these... they weigh just the same!

We gather too many things, we hurt ourselves but we hurt those who'll stay with these things when we're gone even more.

This is emotional and does not need response but feel free to respond if you feel the urge.



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