Re: Szczezuja's tinylog Thu 22 Jul 2021

Replying to

which was szczezuja's reply to my

First of all thank you for reading and I'm very happy to hear it's inspiring.

As for your story, it is one single most common story about (not) following our creative endeavours. As you now know, after reading my little story, I also share it, I also went this way. What are the reasons? Oh there are plenty I think, one that is I think underestimated is that we as a society (in Poland) don't consider art as an important, complementary to other, part of our needs and of what should be taught. We do not pass the love for art to our children. And by we I of course mean the average person.

I assume you don't have much time for starting a new hobby, learning new skill but there are always ways to add a new little habit to your life that will bring you joy and fulfillment while not taking your time at all.

I am a big proponent of these little habits.

About three years ago I started #5minsketch (check this hashtag on mastodon, it should be still all visible although I just moved my account I guess?) - I carry a tiny little sketchbook in A5 format with me every day, and every day I try (not always succeed) to do a little quick sketch, sometimes just with fineliner, sometimes I add colors (lately usually I do). It has to be quick, dirty and it just has to be done. No effort. But thx to this it is done day by day and I don't give up.

As for photography, do it! Yes! It can be also effortless, we carry our phones with us and most of them have these amazing cameras (mine is broken but I carry a little camera with me). If you're into black and white photos, and you're on Telegram, you can also join my group. I made it just for fun, if one of us there put a photo, he/she adds a topic and then there's two days to make you photo for given topic (but you can also post whatever as long as it's black and white or take some old topic you like or add your own for others). Group is called BW Photo Collective.

Contemporary art is what's left from art when you don't believe in beauty, meaning and goodness anymore. It's pure abstract or often it's even made to be ugly and nothing more. And don't get me wrong, abstract art is a very important part of creation, but I think it's mostly important for artists, helping us to understand things better. It is not meant to be a mainstream, something to show in galleries while we forget there's also all the rest, the most beautiful, meaningful, good art out there. You can find it in internet these days, but not in contemporary art galleries, this is messed up. All this is just my humble opinion and I'm open for discussion but it is just that for a moment.

„I still don't understand art - sometimes I don't know why it's good.”

Sometimes I do not as well. Most often I'd say? Even after years of watching it and looking for why I like certain aspects of it. It is as magic as a sciense and technology or our own behaviour to us. Most of us don't know why something works or why we like it. We can study it, learn more, but you can't study everything. Just take and promote art that you like, try to follow your instinct in photography, that's just what I meant by appeal. Just be brave enough to say what you like.

Thx for your comment.




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