Re: Why use Gemini?
A quick responce with my perspective on the topic I already saw mentioned several times but particularly Szczezuja's post triggered me to write.
„Re: Re: Why use Gemini?” by @Szczezuja
As long as I completely understand a need for deciding „do I need to use it” or „do we all need to use it” and „will it be useful or will it die” regarding gemini protocol, and it's always interesting to read, I myself have no doubt about my own reason and lack of need to search for other reasons. It's very simple:
No matter how minimalistic the design of any blog in www world, it can never get my attention for long enough that I will not only read one article (this is already the best it can do) but subscribe and come back to it in future. Meanwhile exploring gemini space in Amfora in a terminal emulator as I do makes me just focus on what I read and want to think upon it and later explore more or even respond to it. This is something completely new for me and I like it a lot.
I'm not going now too much into why it is so. My mind is easily distracted and this new environment works just much better with it, that's all. I like it and I want to stay here as long as it works like it does now. And if anyone asks me what's that gemini I'm talking about and why I use it, I just say it's this space where everything goes slow enough and distraction-free that you can actually finally focus, understand and think upon what you just read. Most people may not understand that need, but there will be some for whom today's world is just too fast, too loud and flashy and they might try gemini when they hear about it and they might like it just as I do. So I will keep telling about it.
That's it. Simple story in simple words.
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