Re: „Consider Death”
This is my thoughts after reading
Nicholas's „Consider Death” log
The Death is a Gift
Yes, I fully agree. Remembering the inevitability of death is a gift and we're rejecting it by the way we live our lives. Western culture willfully forgets about death, we generally avoid thinking about it and in consequence we lose a strong guide, an important wake-up call. Do what's meaningful, there's not that much time. Constantly being online, addicted to checking for more and more of more or less important information, being in constant information overload there is simply no time for more important and complex questions. They don't even sound that important anymore as there's so much of what seems to be more in need of our immediate attention.
Not saying anything like the internet is bad, no. It's a much more complex problem of us, people not knowing how to use it.
The Death is a Gateway to Love
I would not put the whole weight on things we don't do, because we're afraid. My much younger self probably would. Didn't do this, cause I was afraid. Didn't do that cause I was ashamed. Pressure from norms and rules of society is something that a young me, as probably many young people felt much stronger and easily mistaken as some sort of my enemy. Rebellion is usually the dominion of a new generation seeking its way and constantly breaking against walls of what was already established before.
But for young, middle-aged, or old, yes it can be a factor of course. What I want to say is that it's just a part of a bigger whole.
Sometimes it's what you don't do. Sometimes it's what you do wrong. Sometimes it's what you don't even realize that should be done though you would realize if enough attention was put into it.
I'd say for me, now, the ultimate answer is: Death is a gateway to love. Meaning that our remembering of our and our loved ones' death should only remind us that love is the only way. Only do what comes from love. Avoid doing what originates in other sources. Easier said than done and the most cliche thing to say but it's still the best way.
Let death remind us to try as hard as possible.
Thank you for the topic, Nicholas. Thank you for making my mind meditate upon it.
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