gnexd: a Nex server written in Gawk.

This is a Nex server implemented using GNU AWK, a network-capable version
of the AWK programming language.


note: AWK is an interpreted language => gawk(1) must be installed to run gnexd.

Typical gawk package installation:

	# installing on NetBSD:
	$ sudo pkgin update ;sudo pkgin install gawk

	# installing on Debian:
	$ sudo apt update ;sudo apt install gawk


The server tarball (see below) contains the following files:

note: documentation is somewhat NetBSD-specific for now.


Due to gawk's limited network capabilities gnexd is not multi-threaded and may
hang if a client fails to properly end a session. On NetBSD tcpdrop(8) can be run
periodically to close out any persisting sessions so as to maximize network availability.


Ready to try? => gnexd.tgz